Home4you offers a broad range of products needed for the furnishing of homes. The product range includes office chairs, sofas and armchairs but also beds, commodes, dining tables, lights and much more. Home4you’s mission is to be the preferred place for all people purchasing furnishings for their home, garden or office. Our goal is to create trends and shape the habits. The company was founded already in 1997. The main product groups today are furniture, furnishings, office chairs, garden furniture and interior elements.
Home and Sporting Goods · 2 floor
Suur valik! Kasuta juhust!
Tule ja proovi! Meie kaupluses ootavad sind erinevad voodid ja madratsid, mida saad mugavalt katsetada. 20. veebruarist kuni 12. märtsini on kõik need -20% soodsamad! Tule ja avasta, kuidas magamistuba saab olla veelgi mugavam ja stiilsem!
Magamistoa eripakkumised Kasuta juhust!
Valik kampaania voodeid ja madratseid eriti säravate hindadega, lisaks mõned öökapid! 20.02-12.03.