Reval Café has turned into a well-known and original café chain and a valued brand characterised above all by delicious food, reasonable prices, quality coffee, cosy interiors with a uniform design and good service. Reval Cafés can be found in great locations all over Tallinn and fit well into the surrounding city space and environment. You can eat at our cafés every day, get catering for large groups or just have a good time. Free Internet is available to everyone at all Reval Cafés. There are 17 cafés in the Reval Café chain at present. Although every Reval Café is a little different in terms of style, menu, appearance and clientele, some traditions that can be seen in all of them have emerged over time – meals that taste the same in each café, such as breakfast and salads. Reval Café is one of few café chains in Tallinn that opens early in the morning and delights its clients with a broad selection of nutritious breakfast foods, a diverse lunch menu with special offers as well as cakes and pastries baked fresh in each café every day.
Särtsu täis terviseshotid
Anna argipäevale särtsu terviseshottidega! Terviseshotid on maitsvad ja kasulikud: sisaldavad erinevaid vitamiine, mineraalaineid ja antioksüdante. Novembri lõpuni on Revali kohvikutes eripakkumine terviseshottidele: osta neli shotti kolme hinnaga.
Pumpkin Spice Latte
Sügisene kohvijoogi klassika Pumpkin Spice Latte on tänasest tagasi Revali kohvikute valikus ja on seekord saanud endale vahukooremütsi pähe, et tuulised ja vihmased päevad magusamaks teha. Tule mekkima!